USCNet provides faculty and staff with network connectivity in academic and office buildings. Only faculty and staff may register computers for use with USCNet.


  • Network speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second
  • Support for current and future building data network environment 24 hours a day, including security and disaster recovery
  • ITS-provided network engineering, project planning, and management as well as network design and communications services
  • Private networks connected to USCnet via a dedicated port on a Cisco router


All USC faculty and staff are eligible to connect their computers to USCNet. All schools and departments may request network installation services for their academic and office buildings.

Getting Started

Data Security

ITS recommends that all users maintain a firewall, as well as antivirus and antispyware software. Links to free firewall and antivirus software, along with additional information, are available on the ITS Security page.


To get help with your USCNet connection, please contact the ITS Customer Support Center.


  • There is no individual charge for faculty and staff to connect to USCNet.
  • Pricing for the installation and maintenance of private networks will be determined by ITS on a case-by-case basis.
  • For the installation of a network outlet, see the Phone and Network Outlet Installation page for pricing details.