ITS offers large webinars and meeting Zoom licenses to our faculty and staff as part of our enterprise Zoom account while we are teaching and working remotely.
NOTE: If you are looking to host a large online event, ITS highly suggests checking with your school or unit’s IT contact to see if webinar or large meeting license has been already been established for your department.
Requesting One-Time/Temporary Webinar Licenses
Faculty and staff that are hosting one-time large events can make use of the following free licenses:
- These licenses are available at no cost and will be active for up to three weeks.
- A Webinar is appropriate for one-way communication with no audience interaction while a Large Meeting is appropriate for interactive sessions with audience participation. For more information, see the Zoom website.
Request a temporary Webinar/Large Meeting license by contacting the Customer Support Center at 213-740-5555.
Purchase Annual Webinar Licenses
Faculty and staff that need a more permanent large event solution can request and/or purchase annual licenses.
Purchase an annual Webinar/Large Meeting license by filling out a service request on SNOW.
For More Information
Contact ITS Support if you have any questions on how to request or purchase a Webinar or Large Meeting license.