Prospective students and their families, vendors, alumni, and other visitors to USC campuses and facilities may use the USC Guest Wireless network for wireless access while at USC.

In addition, visiting faculty, staff, and students from participating institutions may access eduroam while at USC. 

Getting Started: To connect to USC Guest Wireless, choose the “USC Guest Wireless” network in your device’s wireless settings.


  • Open, unencrypted guest network.
  • Access anywhere on USC’s campuses or facilities.
  • No USC NetID username or password is needed.


  • Available to prospective students and their families, vendors, alumni, and other visitors to USC campuses and facilities.


  • This is a free service.

Helpful Links

ITS Support 

  • The ITS Service Desk provides support to the USC community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 
  • Call (213) 740-5555 and choose option 2 to receive assistance. Please note that some requests may require a government ID for user verification.
  • Report an Issue on the ITS Service Portal.
  • Search for information on the ITS Service Portal.