The Student Information System (SIS) manages a broad range of information about USC students for the duration of their time at USC. Everything from students’ admission status and registration information to financial transactions with USC and financial aid, is accessible through SIS. The system also provides necessary information to several other information systems at the university.
- Allows authorized staff to view student information, including enrollment and grade information, class rosters, and financial details.
- Allows authorized staff to update student records, including giving departmental clearances (D-Clearances), clearing activity restrictions, and admitting students to graduate programs.
- Allows authorized staff to access student reports, including registration confirmation and STARS reports.
- Provides data to various other university information systems, including Web Registration, the online Schedule of Classes, and the Online Academic Student Information System (OASIS).
- This service is open to all academic and administrative departments. Access is set up by the User Coordination Group (UCG) and approved by various departments, depending on the type of access requested. Once approved, users are required to undergo training before receiving an ID and password.
- SIS is a free service.
Helpful Links
- SIS Access Request Form
- ITS Student Information Systems Training & Documentation:
- SecureCRT will allow you to access SIS from a computer running the Windows or MacOS operating systems. Download SecureCRT on the ITS Software Website.
- If you are logging in from off-campus you must download the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client. The VPN (Virtual Private Network) software will allow you to log into SIS from a remote location. Download VPN on
- Open a Request Ticket for SIS on the ITS Service Portal.
- Search for How-To Instructions and knowledge-based articles on the ITS Service Portal.
ITS Support
- The ITS Service Desk provides support to the USC community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Call (213) 740-5555 and choose option 2 to receive assistance.
- Report an Issue on the ITS Service Portal.
- Search for information on the ITS Service Portal.