ServiceNow creates a request and incident history for you based on the tickets that you submit or that are submitted on your behalf in the system. ServiceNow associates these tickets either with your email address or with the preferred email address you have entered in Workday (if you have entered one.) This request and incident history allows ITS to identify you, understand your current and previous issues, and more efficiently address your requests.

If you would like to submit ServiceNow tickets from alternate email addresses such as your school- or unit-specific email addresses such as or addresses or non-USC email accounts such as or accounts, you will need to add these addresses to your user account information in ServiceNow in order to correctly associate these tickets with your case history.

To add alternate email addresses to your ServiceNow account information:

  1. Log in to ServiceNow at using your USC NetID username and password.
  2. From the left-hand navigation menu, select Self-Service > My Profile.
  3. Under Related Links, click Notification Preferences.
  4. In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, click New Device.
  5. A pop-up window will prompt you to enter a new device. The new device is your alternate email address.
    • In the Name field, enter a name for this particular email (e.g., Marshall, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.)
    • In the Type pull-down menu, select Email.
    • In the Email address field, enter your alternate email address.
    • Click Submit.

NOTE: You should repeat this process to add any additional email addresses that you use to contact ITS.

Getting Help

If you need assistance entering alternate email addresses in ServiceNow, contact the ITS Customer Support Center.