All 192 ITS Learning Environments-managed general-assignment classrooms are equipped with USC’s state-of-the-art Creston system, which allows remote management of audiovisual services for real-time technology support in the classroom.

These classrooms all contain key audiovisual technology, eliminating the need to reserve equipment. For the list of devices that work with our system.  

Other features of the ITS-managed general-assignment classrooms include:

  • Wired and wireless sharing capabilities
  • Zoom Enabled Rooms
  • Built-in microphone and camera
  • Eco-friendly learning spaces with furnishings made from sustainable material

Instructional Computer Classrooms

In addition to the 192 general-assignment classrooms, ITS Learning Environments also supports instructional computer classrooms. 

The following computer classrooms are equipped with dual-boot iMacs:

  • All-Mac lab in King Hall Computing Center
  • All-Windows lab in Waite Phillip Hall Computing Center (WPH Basement)
  • All-Dell WPHB36
  • Gaming Lab in Leavey Library Lower Commons

Learning Environments Support

ITS Support 

  • The ITS Service Desk provides support to the USC community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 
  • Call (213) 740-5555 and choose option 2 to receive assistance. Please note that some requests may require a government ID for user verification.
  • Report an Issue on the ITS Service Portal.
  • Search for information on the ITS Service Portal.