SIS contains hundreds of sophisticated student-tracking processes, allowing you to display, update, and report upon information. However, your job will require you to know only a small fraction of the many available processes. You will only be allowed access to the processes that you need to do your job. All access to SIS is regulated through SIS User Coordination.

Step One: Paperwork

To request access to SIS, you must complete:

NOTE: Access to SIS training will not be granted until you complete the online FERPA tutorial.

Step Two: Training

After access forms are received and processed by User Coordination, an email will be sent to you and your supervisor that provides the training classes you must complete. All new system users must take the Basic Training class; other training may be required, depending on the access you request.

The Basic Training class covers:

  • System users’ responsibilities regarding confidentiality of student records
  • Login names and passwords
  • How to use SIS, including navigation and commands
  • The six frequently used SIS processes
  • How to maintain system and information security while using SIS
  • Whom to call if you need assistance

New users will receive their login and password information at the Basic Training class. You will also have the opportunity to ask department-specific questions about SIS during this class.

Other training classes cover:

  • Transcripts and Credit Statements
  • Financial Aid: Giving Departmental Aid
  • Financial Aid: Assigning College Work Study Jobs
  • Scheduling Classes

Training classes offered by other offices include:

  • Graduate Admissions, offered by the Admissions Department
  • Degree Progress, offered by the Degree Progress Department