What to know
USC is implementing stronger email authentication (DMARC) protocols to protect our community from email-based threats. These changes will help ensure that only authorized email systems can send emails on behalf of USC.
I use third-party services to send emails on behalf of USC. How does this affect me?
Email Authentication required: All groups using third-party email services (e.g., Salesforce, Zendesk, Mailgun, etc.) must take proactive steps to ensure communications are authorized and that email authentication is aligned to USC.
Service interruption: If account owners do not act on non-compliant third-party services sending email on behalf of USC before Feb. 5, those emails may be quarantined or sent to spam folders.
What to do
- Review the DMARC PowerPoint presentation.
- Identify ownership of any third-party senders listed within this tracker.
(This list is NOT exhaustive. If you are working with another third-party sender, please notify the SecOps team and initiate the instructions below once they ingest the new sender.)- Ensure email sending addresses are sent from a sub-domain. For an example and how-to instructions, please use the Email Authentication Instruction Guide.
- Work with your vendor to obtain SPF Information and DKIM Information. This information should be communicated via a ServiceNow ticket.
- Once third-party sender information is received and updated by the SecOps team, you will be notified to complete a test to ensure proper functionality of the third-party Senders domains.
- Attend our office hours on Tuesdays from 3 – 4 pm PST on Zoom.
- If you have any questions or need support, please contact the Security Engineering team at seceng@usc.edu or set up a meeting using this Calendly link.