To store select messages beyond the 16-month retention limit per the university’s email policy, you may create personal folders in the web-based Outlook Web App (OWA). These folders and their contents will then appear on every computer and device on which you have your USC Office 365 account set up.

To create a new top-level personal folder in OWA:

  1. Log into your Office 365 account at
  2. Click More under Folders to expand your folder list.
  3. Right-click your account name.
  4. Click Create New Folder.
  5. Type a name for the new folder.
  6. Press Enter.

Moving Documents to Top-Level Personal Folders

Once you have created top-level personal folders in OWA, you can move messages from your account’s default folders to your personal folders by clicking the message and dragging it to the personal folder of your choice.